Our Core Values

These are core values that can align with the mission and vision of theschool and they can be integrated into the school's curriculum, extracurricularactivities, and decision-making processes. These values shape the culture andatmosphere of the school, and help to guide the school's mission and goals.They can also be used to create a sense of pride and community among students,staff, and families.

Our Core Values

· Integrity: A commitment to honesty, fairness, and ethicalbehavior in all aspects of the school's operations.
· Respect: A commitment to treating all members of the schoolcommunity with dignity and respect.
· Innovation: A commitment to promoting creativity, criticalthinking, and problem-solving skills in students.
· Service: A commitment to serving the school community and thewider community through service learning opportunities and community serviceprojects.
· Excellence: A commitment to providing a high-quality educationand promoting student achievement.


The classrooms

Integrity is a core value of Horizon Leadership Academy. This means that the school is committed to promoting honesty, fairness and ethical behaviour in all aspects of the school's operations. This includes academic integrity, honesty in student conduct and ethical behaviour by staff and faculty.


Modern Equipment

Respect is another core value of the school. This means that the school is committed to treating all members of the school community with dignity and respect. This includes pupils, staff, governors and families. The school promotes a culture of respect and tolerance and encourages pupils to be respectful of others.


Art Room

Innovation is an important core value for the school. This means that the school is committed to developing students' creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills. The school encourages students to think outside the box and come up with new and innovative solutions to problems.


Taxes & Efficiency

Service is also a core value of the school. This means that the school is committed to serving the school community and the wider community through service learning opportunities and community service projects. The school encourages students to get involved in service projects and give back to the community.


Finance & Audit

Excellence is the final core value of the school. This means that the school is committed to providing a high quality education and to promoting student achievement. The school aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

These core values align with the school's mission and vision and shape the culture and atmosphere of the school. They guide the decisions and actions of the school and help to create a sense of pride and community among students, staff and families.


Happy students & how they feel

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One of the most wonderful places where our children can learn about honesty and appreciate the magnificence of life is at HLA. It is truly invaluable for our children to have the opportunity to experience such a noble setting. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have played a part in making this possible.
Muhsine AYKAÇ
Student Parent
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The friendly environment and the dedication of the teachers at HLA are truly invaluable to me. I am so grateful to have found this school. I would like to thank the HLA family for giving me the opportunity to experience all these wonderful things.
Taha Alkan
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The students at Horizon Leadership Academy are always eager to learn and engage in thoughtful classroom discussions. As an educator, I’m galvanized by their enthusiasm and the passion we all have to make a positive difference through excellent education.
Ms. Fatin Tariq
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"We are lucky enough to dare to open our own business and turn for help to real professionals. We have been successful thanks to Efito 128»

Ronald Richards


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"We are lucky enough to dare to open our own business and turn for help to real professionals. We have been successful thanks to Efito 128»

Ronald Richards


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"We are lucky enough to dare to open our own business and turn for help to real professionals. We have been successful thanks to Efito 128»

Ronald Richards
