At Horizon Leadership Academy we believe that clubs are an important part of the student experience. We offer a wide range of clubs designed to meet the diverse interests and passions of our students. Organised and run by students, teachers or external organisations, our clubs provide opportunities for students to develop new skills, make friends and pursue interests in a fun and engaging way.
The LEGO Club at HLA is a fun and inclusive program that helps children develop creativity,problem-solving, and social skills through LEGO building. With access to avariety of sets and challenges, kids can explore their imaginations and collaboratewith like-minded individuals in a safe and engaging environment. Join us tounleash your child's inner builder and inspire a love for creativity andlearning.
HLA book club is a community of avid readerswho meet regularly to discuss a diverse range of books. Led by a moderator,members engage in thoughtful conversations, share insights, and discover newperspectives. Joining HLA book club is a great way to expand your literaryhorizons, connect with like-minded individuals, and foster a love for reading.
HLA book club is a community of avid readerswho meet regularly to discuss a diverse range of books. Led by a moderator,members engage in thoughtful conversations, share insights, and discover newperspectives. Joining HLA book club is a great way to expand your literaryhorizons, connect with like-minded individuals, and foster a love for reading.
FLL Team
Book Club
Spelling Bee
The Dance Club at HLA is a fun and energeticprogram that promotes physical fitness and artistic expression through dance.Led by experienced instructors, members learn various styles of dance. TheDance Club is a great way for students to improve their coordination,confidence, and creativity while making new friends and having fun.
The Karate Club atHLA is a program that teaches self-defense, discipline, and respect through thepractice of karate. Led by experienced instructors, members learn varioustechniques and forms, from basic movements to advanced sparring. The KarateClub is an excellent opportunity for students to develop physical and mentalstrength, build self-confidence, and learn valuable life skills while havingfun.
The Music Club at HLAis a program that encourages students to explore their passion for musicthrough various activities. Led by experienced instructors, members learn toplay musical instruments, develop vocal skills, and create their owncompositions. The Music Club is a great way for students to improve theircreativity, confidence, and teamwork while having fun and discovering theirmusical talents.
Dance Off
Volleyball Club
Arts & Crafts
The Gardening Club atHLA is a program that teaches students about the joy and benefits of gardening.Led by experienced instructors, members learn how to plant, cultivate, and carefor a variety of plants, from vegetables and herbs to flowers and trees. TheGardening Club is a great way for students to develop a connection with nature,learn about sustainability, and foster a sense of community while having fun.
The Trivia Club atHLA is a fun and interactive program that challenges students to test theirknowledge in various subjects, from history and science to pop culture andcurrent events. Led by enthusiastic moderators, members participate in team-basedcompetitions, trivia games, and other engaging activities. The Trivia Club is agreat way for students to improve their critical thinking, communication, andteamwork skills while having fun and making new friends.
The Robotics Club atHLA is a program that promotes STEM education through the exciting field ofrobotics. Led by experienced instructors, members learn how to design, build,and program robots using cutting-edge technology and software. The RoboticsClub is a great way for students to develop their creativity, problem-solving,and teamwork skills while exploring the fascinating world of robotics. Join usto unleash your child's inner engineer and inspire a love for science andtechnology.
Science Team
Soccer Team
The Basketball Clubat HLA is a program that promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanshipthrough the exciting sport of basketball. Led by experienced coaches, memberslearn various skills and techniques, from dribbling and shooting to defense andstrategy. The Basketball Club is a great way for students to improve theircoordination, confidence, and fitness while having fun and developing theirbasketball skills.
The Basketball Clubat HLA is a program that promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanshipthrough the exciting sport of basketball. Led by experienced coaches, memberslearn various skills and techniques, from dribbling and shooting to defense andstrategy. The Basketball Club is a great way for students to improve their coordination,confidence, and fitness while having fun and developing their basketballskills.
The Soccer Club atHLA is a program that promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanshipthrough the exciting sport of soccer. Led by experienced coaches, members learnvarious skills and techniques, from dribbling and passing to shooting anddefending. The Soccer Club is a great way for students to improve theircoordination, confidence, and fitness while having fun and developing theirsoccer skills.
Basketball Club
Volleyball Club
Soccer Club
The Robotics Club atHLA is a program that promotes STEM education through the exciting field ofrobotics. Led by experienced instructors, members learn how to design, build,and program robots using cutting-edge technology and software. The RoboticsClub is a great way for students to develop their creativity, problem-solving,and teamwork skills while exploring the fascinating world of robotics. Join usto unleash your child's inner engineer and inspire a love for science andtechnology.
The Drama Club at HLAis a program that encourages students to explore their creativity and expressthemselves through the performing arts. Led by experienced instructors, memberslearn various techniques of acting, improvisation, and stagecraft. The DramaClub is a great way for students to develop their confidence, communication,and teamwork skills while having fun and discovering their acting talents.Students also get the opportunity to participate in school productions andshowcase their talent to the HLA community.
The Folklore Club atHLA is a program that celebrates cultural diversity and promotes traditionalfolk dances and music from around the world. The Folklore Club is a great wayfor students to learn about different cultures, develop their artisticexpression, and foster a sense of community while having fun and making newfriends. Students also get the opportunity to perform at school events andshowcase their talents to the HLA community.
Robotics Club
Drama Club
Folklore Club
The HLA newsletter isa monthly publication that provides the latest news, events, and activitieshappening at our school. The newsletter features articles written by ourstudents, teachers, and staff, highlighting their achievements, initiatives,and experiences. It also includes important updates and announcements, such asupcoming events, school policies, and academic programs. The HLA newsletter isa great way for our school community to stay informed and connected with eachother.
The Music Club at HLAis a program that encourages students to explore their passion for musicthrough various activities. Led by experienced instructors, members learn toplay musical instruments, develop vocal skills, and create their owncompositions. The Music Club is a great way for students to improve theircreativity, confidence, and teamwork while having fun and discovering theirmusical talents.
The Cooking Club atHLA is a program that encourages students to explore their culinary skills anddiscover new flavors and cuisines from around the world. Led by experiencedinstructors, members learn various cooking techniques, from knife skills andsautéing to baking and plating. The Cooking Club is a great way for students todevelop their creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills while having funand discovering their passion for cooking.
Newsletter Club
Music Club
Cooking Club
Brain Club at HLA isa program designed to promote cognitive development and enhance criticalthinking skills through fun and engaging activities. With a focus onproblem-solving, logic, and strategy, members are challenged to think outsidethe box and explore new ideas. Brain Club is an excellent opportunity forstudents to build confidence, expand their minds, and have fun while learning.
The Debate Club atHLA is a program that promotes critical thinking, public speaking, and advocacyskills through structured debates and discussions on various topics. Led byexperienced coaches, members learn how to research, analyze, and presentarguments on different issues, from politics and social justice to science andtechnology. The Debate Club is a great way for students to develop theirconfidence, communication, and leadership skills while having fun and engagingin intellectual discourse.
Brain Club
Debate Club
The Yearbook Club atHLA produces a beautiful and creative yearbook that captures and preservesmemories of the school year. Led by experienced instructors and studenteditors, members learn photography, graphic design, and storytelling toshowcase the school's events, achievements, and personalities. The clubdevelops students' artistic, organizational, and leadership skills whilecreating a lasting record of their school experience. Students also participatein the yearbook distribution ceremony and cherish their memories for years tocome.
The Debate Club atHLA is a program that promotes critical thinking, public speaking, and advocacyskills through structured debates and discussions on various topics. Led byexperienced coaches, members learn how to research, analyze, and presentarguments on different issues, from politics and social justice to science andtechnology. The Debate Club is a great way for students to develop theirconfidence, communication, and leadership skills while having fun and engagingin intellectual discourse.
The Drama Club at HLAis a program that encourages students to explore their creativity and expressthemselves through the performing arts. Led by experienced instructors, memberslearn various techniques of acting, improvisation, and stagecraft. The DramaClub is a great way for students to develop their confidence, communication,and teamwork skills while having fun and discovering their acting talents.Students also get the opportunity to participate in school productions andshowcase their talent to the HLA community.
Yearbook Club
Debate Club
Drama Club
The Basketball Club at HLA is a program that promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanshipthrough the exciting sport of basketball. Led by experienced coaches, memberslearn various skills and techniques, from dribbling and shooting to defense andstrategy. The Basketball Club is a great way for students to improve their coordination,confidence, and fitness while having fun and developing their basketballskills.
The 3D Printing Clubat HLA is a program that explores the fascinating world of additivemanufacturing, design, and innovation. Led by experienced instructors, memberslearn how to use 3D modeling software and operate 3D printers to create variousobjects, from toys and jewelry to prototypes and architectural models. The 3DPrinting Club is a great way for students to develop their creativity,problem-solving, and technical skills while having fun and discovering theendless possibilities of 3D printing.
Community Service atHLA instills social responsibility and empathy in students by engaging them invarious volunteer activities. Led by experienced coordinators, members participatein charity events, environmental projects, and community outreach initiatives.This program develops leadership, teamwork, and communication skills whilemaking a positive impact on the world. Students connect with diverse groups ofpeople, broaden their perspectives, and develop a sense of civic duty andsocial awareness.
Volleyball Club
3D Printing Club
Community Service Club
The Table Tennis Clubat HLA is a program that promotes physical fitness, hand-eye coordination, andcompetitive spirit through the fun and fast-paced game of ping pong. Led byexperienced coaches, members learn different techniques of serving, returning,and attacking while playing with their peers and competing in tournaments. TheTable Tennis Club is a great way for students to develop their focus, agility, andsportsmanship while having fun and making new friends.
The Soccer Club atHLA is a program that promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanshipthrough the exciting sport of soccer. Led by experienced coaches, members learnvarious skills and techniques, from dribbling and passing to shooting anddefending. The Soccer Club is a great way for students to improve theircoordination, confidence, and fitness while having fun and developing theirsoccer skills.
Table Tennis Club
Soccer Club
These clubs are a great way for students to explore new interests, develop new skills and build relationships with their peers. They also provide opportunities for leadership, community service and personal growth. Some clubs may require a membership fee, but many are free and open to all students. We encourage all students to get involved in one or more of our clubs and take advantage of the many opportunities available at Horizon Leadership Academy. If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the clubs we offer, please contact us at:
Phone: 281 888 10 13